If you're a bird,

I'm a bird.

-the notebook...?

I was in high school when I tried yoga for the first time. At the end of class, as I laid on the ground in savasana, it was the first time my overscheduled brain felt quiet. I knew there was something there worth pursuing. I was also in high school when the movie The Notebook came out.

The above quote, "If you're a bird, I'm a bird," seemed like the most romantic thing. He wanted to be what she was, he wanted to be with her forever. As I entered and exited my own romantic relationships, I often felt more alone than connected. I was trying to people please my way into receiving love & adoration, rather than discovering how to live a full life.

Throughout my 400+ hours of yoga teacher training and my own journey of healing my anxiety, depression, IBS, and more - I realized that I have felt lonely in large groups of people since I was a child. I wanted someone to love me, to see me, to validate my experiences, and tell me it was okay to feel.

I have read hundred's of self-help books, I've dissected the research, tried the body treatments, cried the tears and while I am still a fully imperfect human, I finally feel at home in my body, mind, and soul. I am living a connected, inspired life and I no longer feel alone. The ability to exist as I am, the space to shed my layers and transform into the radiant being I've always been - that started on my yoga mat and was strengthened through my 1,000+ hours of teaching.

I've published short nonfiction stories about death, loss, and insecurity. I've filmed raw, poorly lit videos documenting good days and bad. I've made a habit of putting myself out there because it's both how I process my growth and how I can best be of service to others. There are no off limit topics here. There is no shame. There is courage, vulnerability, and a humble commitment to keep going, to keep growing, and to share the message of self-love and adoration with whomever needs to hear it.

I don't know the best way to use this space to surmise who I am or what I've been through - because the depth of our character is too much to put into small boxes on the internet. What I do know is that I've done the work to acknowledge my demons, to rebuild my self worth, and to learn to feel at home in my body and in this life I've designed. In working together, you will inevitably hear more of my story - and if you have questions, please ask!

When we come together to seek connection, we find validation for our own experiences.

Every time I am truly me,

when we all can be ourselves, that's when this flock of birds truly soars.

I create

a space where it's fun

truly you

for you to be

flock of birds flying in the sky silhouette vector drawing
flock of birds flying in the sky silhouette vector drawing
Sun, Moon, and Clouds Illustration
Sun, Moon, and Clouds Illustration
flock of birds flying in the sky silhouette vector drawing
flock of birds flying in the sky silhouette vector drawing
flock of birds flying in the sky silhouette vector drawing