I want to help you feel more at home in your body, mind, & soul.

I want to shine light on the places that've felt dark for too long.

I want you to know,

Bird of Paradise

you are already enough.

I also want to teach



every one


Not getting what you want out of your practice?

Practice all the time but feel a plateau?

Used to exercise, but think it's been too long?

At war with your body or afraid to be alone with your mind?

Curious about breath or meditation & secretly hate to flow?

you are not alone.

Everyday people tell me dozens of reasons why "yoga" isn't for them or what's wrong with their current routine. You don't have to like what everyone else likes, look like everyone else on your mat, or force yourself to do something that doesn't serve you.

I've been uncomfortable both in my body & in studios all over the world. My discomfort led me to create a space & a way of teaching meant to empower the individual and heal the body / mind from within.

If you, like so many of us, have been hard on yourself, stuck in your head, or not quite yourself, I promise some form of *yoga will help.

*Yoga is about so much more than bending our body, it's a cultivation of joy, ease, intrinsic peace.

It's a place to set boundaries, to restore self-kindness, to once again feel at home.

As we tend to ourselves,

establishing vital moments of reconnection,

things feel less heavy / more radiant.

It's from this space that we best serve others.

It's from this space that we

change the world.

Hands Holding Earth Illustration
Hands Holding Earth Illustration
Hands Holding Earth Illustration